
Information for whistleblowers according to
Act No.171/2023 Coll. Protection of whistleblowers

Ways to submit a report

1.    In writting – by postal mail sent to the company's office adress to the attention of the designated person, or personaly to the designated person.
2.    Orally – face to face to the designated person at the company's workshop or by phone at +420 731 87 87 79 on working days 8 am – 3 pm.
3.    Electronically – via the form at the link here, Reports can also be submitted through the external reporting system at the Ministry of Justice here.

Designated persons

•    Ing. Jan Ryšavý
•    Ing. Daniel Mrkvica

Ryšavý s.r.o. excludes the acceptance of reports from persons who do not perform work or other similar activities for the obliged entity according to § 2 paragraph 3 letters. a), b), h) or i) of Act No.171/2023 Coll.