About Us

From vision to final product

We make sure that you have to worry as little as possible. We therefore provide comprehensive production and send you a 100% tuned product exactly as you imagined it. 

From workshop to production hall

There was a lot going on in 1990. For example, one man decided to start up small-scale custom production in a little workshop behind his house. This was none other than Antonín Ryšavý, who knew from the beginning that he would build the company on honesty and quality. And it paid off. Gradually he recruited more employees and after a while his workshop became too small. In 2013, he opened a modern production hall in Hustopeče, where he began to focus much more on development production and offered comprehensive solutions instead of just tools and parts. 

From father to son

In 2016, management of the company was taken up by the son Jan, who, following the example of his father, honours traditions but does not forget to aim constantly forward. Gradually, therefore, production is increasingly directed towards automation and robotisation, which will make it even more efficient and better quality. None of the company’s success would have occurred, however, without more than 60 loyal and qualified employees at its heart. There’s a relaxed atmosphere and even if your name is not Ryšavý, you’ll easily fit in with the local family. Plus, there’s always room for everyone to grow – if you have the ambition you’ll get the ultimate support to aim higher within the company.  

What do we care about?

Exceeding client expectations

With everything we do, we try to do the best we can. We pride ourselves on professional communication, we meet deadlines, and we’re only satisfied if we meet or even exceed your expectations.   

We train and educate our staff to become top employees

We know that without high-quality employees, we’d be right back where we started. That’s why we create a relaxed environment for them and give them space for professional development. We just want our employees to come to work every day smiling.

We keep moving forward

We honour tradition, but we never rest on our laurels. We open the door to innovation, new technologies, and processes that enable us to constantly come up with more effective solutions. In doing so, we move not only ourselves forward, but also our clients’ projects.   

We support local projects

Our products often find their home abroad. But we’re proud of where we come from. We strive to be a bedrock of our locality and constantly support local projects and initiatives in need.

What can we do to help?

Over 30 years of experience gives us the confidence and you the assurance that we’ll find the best solution. We’ll do our best to ensure that at the end of the cooperation you take home the perfect product, tuned to the last detail, and also a grin from ear to ear. Just tell us your idea and we’ll take care of everything else.